María Teresa Valero Griñán

Profesora Permanente Laboral

Facultad de Farmacia
Campus Universitario de Cartuja 18071 Granada


Teresa studied Pharmacy at the University of Granada (UGR). After finishing her Master Degree on the discovery of novel neuroprotective drugs for Alzheimer Disease at the Autonomous University of Madrid (UAM), she performed her doctoral studies in the framework of the FP6-RTN project Cellcheck as ESR. Her project focussed on the development of novel applications of impedimetric biosensors for neurobiology and cancer research. She obtained her PhD in 2013 from the Institut of Microsystems Engineering (IMTEK) of the University of Freiburg as a result of the multidisciplinary collaboration among this University and the Faculty of Biotechnology of the University of Athens (AUA).
Additionally, she worked as principal researcher in the FP7-SME project Foodscan in one of the SMEs involved for the development of a novel biosensor for the small food industry. She also worked as executive guest editor for the journal Current Pharmaceutical Design.
She received a FP7 co-fund postdoctoral fellowship from the Talentia Postdoc program for the Nanokinome project at the Nanochembio group of the Department of Organic Chemistry at the University of Granada. Currently, she is performing a yearly secondment at the Cancer Research UK Edinburgh Center. Her project focusses on nanosensor design for drug target deconvolution.